  • Diet of Sergey Agapkin

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    Read the article:
    • The essence and rules of losing weight from Dr. Agapkin
    • The diet of Agapkin for losing weight: the menu for the week and the recipes
    • Reviews of those who lose weight and the results of losing weight on the diet of Sergey Agapkin

    The diet of Agapkin can be used as a healthy food system for life

    Sergey Agapkin's dietis gaining increasing popularity in our country. And this is not surprising, because the nutrition system, designed with regard to the physiology of the body and medical standards, can not but inspire confidence.

    The essence and rules of losing weight from Dr. Agapkin ^

    Sergey Agapkin is a popular TV presenter representing a television program about health, a physiotherapist by education, a psychologist and a yoga therapy specialist, who enjoys great prestige from a million audience.

    In each of its programs, it is necessary to take time for competent advice and advice on proper nutrition and maintaining a normal weight.

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    Dr. Agapkin does not believe that he invented his own miracle diet. He gave only recommendations that have a medical justification, they are simple and not new at all.

    On their basis, you can make a diet yourself or, if there are serious health problems, seek help from specialists. Each rule or advice from Agapkin has a clear justification, proving its expediency.

    Recommendations of Dr. Agapkin

    • An important rule is to refuse a late dinner. The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. The body needs up to 6 hours to process carbohydrates. During sleep, the body produces growth hormone, which promotes the growth of muscle tissue and the breakdown of fats. Unprocessed carbohydrates interfere with this important process for harmony.
    • To lose weight, you need to eat small portions, but 5-6 times a day. This speeds up the exchange processes. Many believe that you can lose weight by drastically limiting calories, and reduce not only calorie content, but also the number of meals. This is wrong, the body quickly gets used to it and works in economy mode. Metabolism slows down and, at best, the weight stands still. Perhaps losing weight at first, but with the slightest easing, the weight discarded in this way will necessarily return or even increase.
    • Limiting or excluding salt will remove excess fluid that inevitably accumulates in the body of fat people. And Agapkin does not recommend a full or prolonged refusal of salt, but advises that there is an under-salted food.
    • Flour products and sweets are the main culprits of excess weight, not fat, as is commonly believed. And if the body consumes a lot of calories for processing fatty meat, then fast( empty) carbohydrates give a sharp release of insulin, which contributes to the accumulation of adipose tissue.
    • Sergey Agapkin recommends to exclude from the menu fatty dishes. Hidden fats are present in many products: sausages, milk, meat, confectionery and others. Therefore, it is necessary to include in the diet low-fat dairy products, lean varieties of fish and meat. This will preserve the nutritional value of the diet and reduce the daily calorie content.
    • Food should be balanced, providing the body with all the elements necessary for life, so that weight loss contributes not only to harmony, but also to the improvement of the body. It is important to maintain the health of the digestive tract and intestine in particular. The menu should be rich in fiber, its deficiency can be replenished separately, buying it in ready-made form. The norm is about 20 g.per day. A sour-milk products will ensure the presence of a healthy microflora in the intestine.

    Recommended products - low-calorie dairy products, lean fish and meat, fruits, berries, vegetables, greens, whole grains or rye bread, cereals.

    Prohibited products - fatty meat, smoked products, sausages, pickles and marinades, semi-finished products and all products containing preservatives and colorants, fatty sour cream and cheeses, sweets and flour. All of the above can be attributed to the merits of the technique of such nutrition.

    There are some contradictions and drawbacks Agapkin's diet, because the menu can be made by adapting to the health of any person. The proposed recommendations are generally accepted, valid and can not cause harm to health.

    The only clarification - the use of sour-milk products is undesirable in gastritis, and a large amount of cellulose should not be introduced with exacerbations of inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

    Diet Agapkin for weight loss: menus for a week and recipes ^

    Diets aimed at a specific area of ​​the body does not exist. But there are places that most accumulate fat, in the first place it's the stomach. In Agapkin's technique, weight during the first week leaves quickly and, first of all, is lost from the accumulation sites. Therefore, many people who lose weight know this nutrition system by name - the Agapkin diet for the stomach.

    Observing the recommended food standards, in addition to losing weight, you can use baking soda. The diet of Agapkin with soda does not assume its reception inside, as it will bring much more harm than good. Dr. Agapkin recommends taking soda baths at intervals of 2 days, at least 10 procedures. Alkaline solution flushes the sweat from the layers of the epithelium with fat cells and serves as a rejuvenating procedure that improves the appearance and tightens the skin.

    From high-quality, natural and useful products, you can make a balanced low-calorie menu according to your taste preferences and physiological characteristics. Cooking is necessary with the maximum restriction of salt.

    Menu from Dr. Agapkin for 7 days

    For example, the menu can look like this:

    Breakfast - for choice:

    • Curd, dressed with yogurt with berries or chopped fruit. Compote.
    • Omelet made from 2 eggs and stewed vegetables( vegetable oil - tea spoon), pear. Tea and some honey.
    • Oatmeal, with the addition of prunes and fresh, grated apple. Cocoa on the water.

    Extra breakfast

    • kefir 1% with bran, grapefruit.

    Lunch - several options. In the first dish, a couple of spoons of bran is added.

    • Broth with chicken meatballs and herbs( add to the broth broth), a large portion of vegetable salad.
    • Vegetarian borscht or soup puree, a slice of rye bread or crackers. A steamed fish with buckwheat for garnish, beet salad.
    • Lenten okroshka on ayran. Baked chicken, boiled brown rice and cabbage salad or braised eggplant caviar.


    • compote with bran and apple or tea with half a marshmallow.

    Dinner - to choose from, a meat dish can be sprinkled with a spoonful of bran.

    • A slice of diet-cooked turkey( chicken) and carrot salad with garlic and a small amount of crushed nuts, seasoned with citrus fruit juice and olive oil( teaspoon).
    • Steam fish and vegetables, orange, half a cup of kefir.
    • Braised with rabbit vegetables and a glass of tomato juice.
    • Boiled beef, salad "brush" and 0.5 cup kefir.

    Absolutely unreasonable dietary dishes are considered fresh and not tasty. There are many recipes that make it possible to prepare a practically festive dish. Let's quote the most popular among those who lose weight in Agapkin, which is prepared from chicken with vegetables.

    Chicken with vegetables in a pot

    • With chicken breast, take off the skin and cut into slices.
    • Clean onions and carrots. Cut the vegetables into half rings.
    • Wash the eggplant and tomatoes, cut them into cubes.
    • Grind the garlic and greens with a knife.
    • In each pot, pour 2 tablespoons of water and a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
    • You need to lay the food in layers: meat, onions, carrots, aubergines, greens and garlic. Lightly compact the vegetables with a spoon and put tomatoes on top.
    • Bake in the oven for about 45 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
    • Layers can be slightly salted and add favorite spices.

    It turns out a surprisingly tasty, fragrant and appetizing dish, which is unlikely to be rejected by a person who does not even adhere to a dietary diet.

    We also recommend that you read the article Italian diet.

    Reviews of those who lose weight and the results of losing weight on the diet of Sergei Agapkin ^

    For a week, subject to compliance with all the rules and recommendations, you manage to lose weight to 6 kilograms. The results of Dr. Agapkin's diet are impressive. It does not carry any serious restrictions that deprive the body of the necessary nutrients. Agapkin's dietary system can be fully made the norm of life.

    If you decide to stop the diet, then to lose weight is not returned, sweets and fats should be entered into the menu gradually, while their number should remain moderate.

    Reviews about the diet of Dr. Agapkin are the most positive - it is fairly easy to tolerate, since it does not require fasting, the body quickly gets used to the right diet, discomfort is not felt. Nutritionists and doctors do not find in it special flaws or contradictions.

    It is also recommended to watch a video of the video with useful advice of nutritionists on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: